Moving out on your own is an exciting adventure. Your new home and new destination is alive with possibilities for your future and stands there, waiting for you as a blank canvas ready for you to design it. Where will you go—across the city or across the country? What colours will you choose for your new walls and what old belongings will you part with?

With the right preparations and the right mindset—you can make your moving experience a good one. In fact, you can avoid the stigma the prospect of moving typically bears: stressful, overwhelming, expensive…

The team here at ABS Movers & Storage has handled a lot—I mean, A LOT—of moves for people all over Woodbridge, Toronto, Brampton, and other parts of Ontario. We know what we’re talking about when it comes to moving and choosing a reliable mover in Toronto, Ontario, so we’ve gone ahead and created a list of the Top 10 Tried and True Moving Tips to help prepare for moving day!

  1. Use the MoSCoW Method
    This method was developed for business people in management positions—but it has been adopted and adapted for all sorts of organization practices! Here is an example of a version of this method you should ABSOLUTELY use prior to moving:
  • Must keep: obvious items like toiletries, basic tools (unless you have doubles), computers and technical products, work clothing you wear on a regular basis, important documents, essential clothing items (undergarments).
  • Could keep: clothing you wear sometimes or once in a while, movies, books, etc.
  • Don’t need/won’t keep: clothing you haven’t worn in so long you forgot you owned them, books you have read and will never again, artwork you’ve grown out of, etc.

Now, go back through your “could keep” pile and take an honest inventory of the items. If you really will wear it or use it again, you can move it into the “must keep” pile. Trust us—this system helps. As for the “don’t need/won’t keep” pile, donate and gift as much as you can (you’ll feel great about it!) and trash the rest.

  1. Use small boxes for heavy items
    Whether you’re moving your own belongings or a moving company is handling this for you—everyone’s backs and hamstrings will be grateful for your thoughtfulness.
  2. Pack absolute necessities in a clear box
    Finding the items you need most will be much, much easier.
  3. Take a picture of the backside of your electronics
    This will save you the headache of trying to remember how to set up your game system, television, DVD player, etc.
  4. Buy a box of sandwich bags
    You read that correctly. Sandwich bags are useful for small parts like bolts, screws, and nuts from disassembled furniture. Labels, remotes, all the little things that so easily get lost—sandwich and freezer bags are life savers!

Let moving be an exciting adventure—use these moving tips from ABS Movers & Storage and you’ll have the smooth-sailing experience you hoped for!

ABS Movers & Storage | 17 Dora Ave Toronto, ON M6H 1J5 | (416) 588-1499