Toronto, ON moving company

5 Things You Should Get Rid of Before Moving Day

When you get down to business and start packing up some boxes ahead of a move, you’ll quickly realize that you simply can’t take everything with you. You’ve likely accumulated a lot of stuff over the years, and some of it should be tossed or given away so that you don’t waste time packing up things you either don’t want or won’t use. Yes, there is the storage unit option for some excess stuff, but other things should be ditched before the Toronto, ON moving company backs its truck into your driveway. Here are 5 things to get rid of prior to moving day.  

  1. Clothing You’re Not Using

It goes without saying that if you have clothing in your closet or drawers that you haven’t worn in ages, you probably shouldn’t waste the time and effort to take it to your new home. Consider what to sell, what to give away and what to throw out – and then do what you need to do.  

  1. Unneeded Books

Do you have books on your bookshelf that are just taking up space – and collecting dust in the process? There will be volumes that you don’t want to part with, but will also be books that you no longer need. Rather than pack them up and take them with you, give them away. If you need ideas as to what to do with books you won’t be taking with you, here are some suggestions:  

  • Donate them to thrift shops 
  • Sell them online 
  • Give them to friends or acquaintances 
  • Trade them for things you want and can use 
  • Donate them to community library 
  1. Leftover Food

It’s a good idea to try to use up as much of the food in your fridge and freezer as possible before moving day. And unless you have a cooler where you can store any uneaten perishables, you would do well to responsibly dispose of them. You can, after all, do groceries after you move.  

  1. Used Cleaning Supplies

Chances are that you have a lot of used bottles of cleaning supplies and the like. It probably makes sense to ditch them, in a responsible way before moving, and simply restock your supply after you relocate. It’s also important to know that some cleaning supplies contain chemicals that a moving company won’t transport for safety reasons. If you plan to take your cleaning supplies, ask beforehand if there is anything you have that can’t be loaded on the truck.  

  1. Furniture You Don’t Want

Do you have furniture in your home that is the worse for wear? You should consider getting rid of it before moving day. You can either donate it to a thrift shop — if it’s in good condition –or take it to the landfill — if it’s in poor condition.  

If you have any more questions about things you might want to consider getting rid of before moving, give us a call at ABS Movers & Storage. We’re the only moving company in Toronto, ON that you need in your corner when you plan is to move. Call us at (416) 588-1499 to ask questions or to book a move. You can also speak to someone in person at 17 Dora Ave Toronto, ON M6H 1J5.