Things to Do a Month Before Moving Day

Are you hard at work preparing for your move? If this describes your present situation, chances are that you’ve already found the Mississauga, ON moving company that you’ll need. You’ll find that packing strategically will help you get things done without too much stress. As you tick off the boxes on your to-do list, you’ll feel more and more relaxed. But don’t rest on your laurels. Time has a way of passing by quickly if you take your foot off the proverbial gas pedal. A month or so before your moving day, you should do or be close to doing the following things.

Make Sure You’ve Packed Most of Your Stuff

This recommendation might seem obvious, but sometimes the obvious things are overlooked. By the time you get to about one month before moving day, most of your packing should be done. Make note of what still needs to be packed. And plan things out so that you’re pretty much done preferably at least a few days before the moving company is due to arrive. Also be sure to label your boxes so that unpacking isn’t harder than it needs to be.

Change of Address

Head to your local post office to fill out a change of address form. Their mail forwarding service will ensure that you don’t miss any of your mail. You don’t want to wait too long to get this done. Giving yourself enough time means that any mail that is sent to your old address will automatically be rerouted to your new address.

Disconnect Utilities

It’s also important that you contact your utilities providers so that you can get services switched off at your old place and hooked up at your new place. This is critical. For one thing, this will ensure that you’re billed only up to the day you were at your old address. And this will also ensure that your new home has the required utilities when you arrive, unpack, and unwind. You’ll save yourself a lot of headaches if you’re diligent on this front.

Reserve Elevator

Are you moving to an apartment building or condominium? Be sure to book the elevator if you are. Usually, condos and apartments have an elevator that is specifically reserved for moving. But you don’t want to wait until the last minute to try and book use of the moving elevator. Remember that other people are moving in and moving out all the time, so booking early can save you hassles and make things a whole lot easier for the moving company.

If you’re looking for a moving company in Mississauga, ON that can help you with your move, get in touch with us at ABS Movers & Storage. We have a track record of success in helping families across the Greater Toronto Area with the moving, junk removal, and storage needs. You shouldn’t leave your move to just any moving company. We have the experience and the manpower to ensure that your moving day is successful. For the help you need, call or visit today.