If you will be moving in covid you’ll want to be mindful of best practices during crisis
Yes, you can still move to your new home, but you’ll have to take certain precautions that might not have been needed prior to the pandemic that has locked down much of the country. You can count on a moving company in Mississauga, ON to take measures to keep you safe. The movers, for instance, will wear gloves and practice social distancing.
But there are also some things you need to do on moving day to avoid unnecessary risks. What follows is a look at some best practices that you would do well to put into practice
Use New Moving Boxes
You can help curb the potential spread of COVID-19 by being mindful about the boxes you use. Instead of reusing boxes, get new moving boxes from the moving company you hire. They will be able to supply you with new boxes that, of course, have never been used. If you use boxes that were previously used by others, you won’t be able to guarantee that they weren’t contaminated. New boxes don’t cost an arm and a leg, so invest on getting new boxes.
Keep Your Distance
While the lockdown is being loosened gradually, that doesn’t mean that you can let your guard down. You still need to keep about two metres or six feet apart. So don’t box in – excuse the pun – the movers. They will require unfettered and uncluttered access to your property on moving day. If everyone respects social distancing, things will be better for all concerned.

Skip the Handshakes
While it’s polite to greet visitors with a firm handshake and a warm smile, the coronavirus situation is such that you should avoid handshakes or any physical contact with the movers. Instead of handshakes, you can greet the movers with a friendly nod or simply with a verbal welcome. For the time being, such greetings will constitute the new normal.
Use Gloves and Hand Sanitizers
As you do your job to load your personal vehicle, use gloves. And when you must remove your gloves for some tasks, use hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands. While you’re at it, put out some hand sanitizer around your home and let the movers know that they’re free to use it as needed.
Limit the Number of Volunteer Helpers
Sometimes people get family, friends, and neighbours to help them on moving day. But you don’t want to have too many people milling about your home when the movers are trying to safely and efficiently complete their job. Try to limit the number of helpers to family members who live with you.
If you’re looking for a Mississauga, ON moving company that can help make your moving day a success, get in touch with us at ABS Movers & Storage. We offer moving, storage, and junk removal services, so you can come to us for all your moving-related needs. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’ve helped many families across the GTA with their moving needs, so let us know how we can assist you.