Toronto, ON moving company

3 Challenges of Organizing a Rush Move

It always makes sense to plan your move well ahead of time, but there may be times when you’ll have to move in a hurry. Whether because of a family emergency, a new job or something else, you may eventually find yourself having to pack up and move out in a rush. While the right Toronto, ON moving company can help you accomplish such a feat, it’ll still make things more difficult than if you have a longer time frame to plan your move. Here are 3 challenges.  

  1. Cost

There’s really no way around it. If you need to move in a hurry, you’ll likely have to pay more to get a moving company to take on the job. Of course, that is if your moving company of choice can even accommodate you in the first place. Popular moving companies often have slots filled up weeks or months in advance depending on the season, so it may be difficult to find one that is able to fit you in for a rush move. This isn’t to say it’s impossible, but it is to say that it will be more difficult. And it will probably cost you more if you need to move right away.  

  1. Stress

Even if you have months to plan your move, it can be stressful as the months become weeks, the weeks become days and the days dwindle down to the actual day that you’re scheduled to move. But the stress level can go up a notch if you must move within a short time frame. You’ll have to get a whole lot accomplished within a narrow window of time. Can it be done? Of course. Anything is possible if you’re determined to make things happen. But you’ll certainly need to put your stress-management skills to work as moving day approaches.  

  1. Packing

If you’ve ever moved before, you know that packing takes up a whole lot of time. It might take weeks to pack up everything under normal circumstances – but a rush move means that you might only have a few days to pack everything up. In other words, it will test your resolve and your patience. In preparation for the move, be sure to carry with you anything you’ll need within the first 24 hours of relocating. Doing so will save you untold grief and frustration.  

Yes, a rush move will present challenges when it comes to cost, stress and packing. It’s also important know that you may have difficulty even finding a moving company to accommodate you. But finding the right moving company in Toronto, ON will help out your odds greatly. Whether you need to move next month or next week, give the professionals at ABS Movers & Storage a call at (416) 588-1499. We have experience providing moving and storage services and solutions to customers, and we’ve gained a solid reputation in the industry. We’re located at 17 Dora Ave Toronto, ON M6H 1J5, so whether you call or visit, we’re here to help.