Chances are, any moving stories you have shared or heard did not include statements such as “oh, my move went so smoothly!” or “I love moving!” The truth is that no one likes moving, even when it goes well.

Do you find yourself wondering who on Earth does have a smooth experience? Home movers who’ve encountered no troubles during their move were either lucky or they took the time to find competent, trustworthy movers to help them. Want to follow in their footsteps?

First, you need to begin with preparing well in advance. You also must pay close attention to all the tiny details that seem unimportant in the here and now—those seemingly “small” details could end up being pretty significant during the moving process.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking: if I’ve booked a full-service moving company, I’m all set! That’s just not entirely true. Take it from us here at ABS Movers & Storage in Woodbridge, ON; there are definitely things to do to prepare…

Keep reading!

Clear out your space
Don’t wait to arrive at your new home to declutter and sift through your belongings during the unpacking portion. I, personally, know many people who just throw everything they own into boxes and intend to “deal” with it as they unpack. This plan never works. Get rid of what you don’t need. Plus, you’ll feel good about donating items you know you don’t need/want!

Check out the mover’s list
No matter which moving company you choose to use (we hope it’s ours!), be sure to request an itemized list that the professional movers in Woodbridge, ON, will not ship in their equipment. Examples of “specialty” items that may be on this list:

  • Plants
  • Pets
  • Hazardous materials (motor oils, antifreeze, paint, propane tanks, car batteries, etc.)
  • Extremely heavy items
  • Antiques
  • Grand pianos

Create an inventory
It’s up to you to keep track of your belongings. Be sure to create a detailed inventory of all your items—seriously, write it all down in a notebook as you pack. This will come in handy when organizing and will also serve as proof of your possessions. Most moving companies will have inventory sheets for you to fill-in; if so, use those and make copies!

Label everything
This goes hand-in-hand with your inventory. Before each box is closed, add—as in tape­­—a list to the outside of it. If the movers have slips, use them! You will be so relieved when the unpacking begins!

Organize, clean, organize, clean
Like items should be packed in boxes together. The goal is, here, to make the unpacking process easier! Further, you want to be sure some items go nowhere near other items—like mixing lawn equipment with delicate fabrics. Be sure to unplug, empty, and clean out your fridge, dishwasher, toaster oven, etc. The cleaner, the less mess-risk it is to your other items! Also, remember to drain the fuel from your lawn mower, snow blower, weed-eater, etc.

Don’t you want to be one of those to share a “smooth experience” moving story? Give the professionals here at ABS Movers & Storage a call!

ABS Movers & Storage | 17 Dora Ave Toronto, ON M6H 1J5 | (416) 588-1499