Protecting your carpets and floors during the moving process is very important—property damage is no joke. Seriously, there is nothing worse than having everything strategically planned and executed; everything is boxed and packaged with precision, the movers were booked in advance, and all the foreseeable hurdles have been pre-navigated… And then BAM: a gouge in the new hardwood floor you had installed to help get your home sold. An expense like that is not only infuriating, it is completely avoidable.

Oh, AND failure to protect your floors properly will do more than cost you extra money (if you handle your move yourself or if you enlist “free friend help” instead of professional movers); it will also cost you time. Anyone who’s made a big move will tell you there is no extra time on Moving Day—it always feels chaotic. Always. Extra time means extra stress and extra stress means a snowball of problems you do not want to deal with. The combined loss of time (to fix the problem) and money (to fix the problem) has inspired me to write this quick little How to Avoid Damaging Your Floors on Moving Day guide.

Here at ABS Movers & Storage, we know EXACTLY how to keep your floors and carpets safe from accidental damage—but you may not know. So, for those residents in Etobicoke, ON and the Toronto area planning a move sometime soon, keep reading!

HEAVY ITEM NO-NO: No Dragging!
Furniture should never be dragged across the floor; not even across the carpet. If you choose to do so, you are risking damage to the delicate flooring in the form of dents, scratches, torn carpet fibers, and broken tiles. Instead, get assistance! “Two-man carries” are necessary for big pieces like couches and love seats. Chairs and other pieces like dressers and side table can go on rubber-wheeled dollies.

Thick blankets like quilts and comforters (or, furniture blankets—we have them here at ABS!) are great for protecting the edges of couches, chairs, and the corners of your bookcases and other pieces. Of course, this will keep the edges and fabric of your pieces from being scratched and damaged, but it will also provide some additional padding if the piece is dropped on your vulnerable floor.

DON’T TRUST JUST ANY TAPE: Use extra and use quality!
Box reinforcement is something too few think about. Use quality tape (again, we have that here at ABS!) to reinforce the bottoms of all your packed boxes—just in case. You see, heavier boxes pose the threat of bursting from too much weight and too weak of tape. The spilled contents could cause a lot of damage to your floors. On that note, be sure your boxes aren’t overfilled.

For more tips like these or to get a free estimate for your next move with our help, give our  moving company in Etobicoke, ON professional team here at ABS Movers & Storage a call!

ABS Movers & Storage | 17 Dora Ave Toronto, ON M6H 1J5 | (416) 588-1499