5 Moving Tips that Will Ensure Things Go Well on Moving Day

How prepared for you for moving day? Most people underestimate how much work is involved in getting ready for the day when the Toronto, ON moving company will arrive. But you don’t have to let that happen to you. Here are 5 tips that will ensure things go well on moving day.

1. Get Started Pronto

The most important thing you can do, other than hiring a professional moving company, is to start packing early. Let’s face it, packing isn’t fun. It can also become easy to let your guard down and to perhaps go days or even weeks without doing any serious packing. If you let this happen to you, you may be forced to do some all-nighters in order to finish packing on time. You can avoid all this needless stress if you start packing early and remain consistent.

2. Box Size Matters

Be careful about what boxes you use to pack your stuff. For instance, you should always pack heavy items into smaller boxes. There are several reasons for this. First, packing heavy things into big boxes will make those boxes way too heavy to be moved safely. Second, packing in this way will also make the boxes unstable since there will be too much weight packed into them. So pack heavy things into small boxes, and pack light things into small boxes or big boxes.

3. Avoid Oversized Boxes

It might seem convenient to get some of those jumbo boxes, but that would be a mistake. For one thing, there’s a tendency to overpack those oversized boxes. Even if you put lighter stuff into them, they can become extremely heavy by the time you’ve stuffed them to the brim. Large boxes are okay, but steer clear of the oversized ones. Things will go better for you if you do.

4. Tape Top and Bottom of Boxes

Another important tip relates to the importance of using good quality masking tape to secure not only the top, but also the bottom of the boxes you use. Many people tend to focus more on the top than on the bottom. But failing to tape the bottom of your boxes properly can lead to a situation where the bottoms break upon under the weight of the things packed in them. You can avoid this by packing the right things in the right boxes and by taping the boxes up properly.

5. Label Boxes Properly

You also need to use a black felt marker to label your boxes according to the contents inside them. Do this on the sides and on the tops of the boxes. This will save you time when unpacking.

If you’re looking for a Toronto, ON moving company that will help make your moving day a success, look no further than ABS Movers & Storage. We have helped many families with their moving needs since starting up in 1988. In order to provide more value to our customers, we also offer junk removal and storage options. For the help you need, give us a call or stop by our office.